ladies, and gents! I am excited to share with you that I am re-committing to my blog. I wanted to get that in writing and sent out into the world, to make sure I stay accountable.Let’s get things started! You know I am a Nutritionist, and you know I love food, but did you know what I have been up to since becoming a Nutritionist? Here is a brief overview: Full disclosure- I wrote this blog post twice. 1. very formal version 2. wrote it as though i was just talking to a friend, and went with that version:
1. After University I took a year off to decide what I really wanted in life. I had always been interested in cooking and healthy living so decided to go back to School at IHN to become a Holistic Nutritionist.
2. I graduated about 6 years ago as a Holistic Nutritionist and instantly created a blog & Instagram account @ihartnutrition – WAHOO. At this time, people had no idea about kale or quinoa. Wild, I know. Also, my instagram was legit terrible, it was really just a passion project and I had no intention of building any type of brand. I would finish a smoothie, take a picture of an empty cup and caption it “just finished a smoothie!” (obviously I got zero likes, but could not care less). A few years ago I deleted some of the “ugly” pictures which I seriously regret. I created @ihartnutriton to channel my passion of nutrition without having to bombard people who followed my personal account. Slowly friends and family took interest, and I developed a following.
3. I started my own nutrition practice, and it BOMBED. To be fair it did not “bomb”, I really did know my nutrition shit, but I had no idea how to run a successful practice so I decided to see clients and work corporate so I could have a stable income while pursing my passion.
4. I started working at a natural Pharmaceutical company where I learned the ins and outs of supplements (probiotics, fish oils, digestive enzymes, you name it) I continued seeing clients, and after a year I realized a desk job, despite it being in my field was not for me.
5. I continued hustling and seeing many clients privately and developed a weight loss program at a Medical Spa in Yorkville. After a few months, an amazing opportunity popped up at a Private Eating Disorder Clinic.
6. I worked at the clinic for about 4 years, gaining invaluable experience. I worked with hundreds of incredible clients and did consults, grocery tours, meal planning, cooking classes, and more- that work was all about helping clients create a healthy relationship with food.
7. While working at the clinic I continued to grow @ihartnutrition and got to a point where I was ready to create my own business where I could work as a clinician, focus more on my blog, collaborate with brands, host health & wellness retreats, and do corporate nutrition. (side note- I absolutely adored my clients so it was a very tough decision to leave, but I knew it was time).
8. Left my clinic job, and moved to NYC 4 days later to build my brand in the US for a couple of months (and to have fun and eat the world…literally)
9. Back in Toronto (bittersweet, because NYC was next level)
10. @ihartnutriton FULL TIME, a.k.a my dream come true
Now that I am working on my brand full time I really would like to expand my blog and share my favourite health & wellness tips. I want you guys to be part of the process, so please let me know if there is any topic you would like to learn more about!