i hart nutrition


Zzzz! Jet Lag occurs when our circadian rhythm gets disrupted (in other words, our daily routine). The effects differ for each person, and if you have experienced jet lag before, you know it’s the WORST feeling. From crashing way too early, to waking up before sunrise WIDE awake, jet lag can totally throw off your cycle. I happen to be extremely sensitive to time change, and as I travel more often, I have found the following techniques to be really helpful. 

  1. H20 on Board: Drink TONS of water and stay hydrated throughout the flight. I always have a big bottle of water and re-fill it throughout the flight! (and yes this means I go to the bathroom, quite a bit!).  
  2. Jet Lag Pill- https://www.nojetlag.com/ Yes, this exists and I tried it for Iceland and Israel! Follow the directions on the label! You have to take it every 2-4 hours though, so not ideal if you are someone who is able to sleep throughout the whole flight.
  3. Melatonin 30 minutes before bed (throughout your trip). Melatonin can be taken in a variety of ways, but I love it in drops.
  4. H20 after landing. Airplanes can be super dehydrating (and there’s nothing worse than the circulated air). Hydrating once you land will help with energy levels and keep you going throughout the day. 
  5. Exercise once you land. This doesn’t need to mean booking an exercise class, but if you are willing to do a quick treadmill jog or go on a 30 minute walk, you’ll be off to a good start. Ideally you want to get your heart rate up and get grounded.
  6. Avoid Napping- I know you are exhausted but you gotta fight through! In avoiding a nap, you’ll also want to avoid low-key lounging that leads to napping. Get outside, meet a friend, grab a bite to eat, and stay as busy as possible before you need to officially hit the hay!  
  7. Avoid alcohol or coffee inflight- both are very dehydrating! I always crave a glass of wine or coffee as a fun pick me up when I’m flying, but I always feel way better when I stick to good ‘ol fashioned h20. 
  8. Try to go to bed at a normal time (or even later than normal). This is tough because you are exhausted but try your very best to stay awake to avoid waking up at 4am! 

There’s no exact science to avoid jet lag, but a combination of all of the above will certainly guide you in the right direction. At least it did for me! #ihartnutrition